Birds' home construction season in high gear

We're getting into construction season for the birds. You can help them build nests by offering simple construction materials.

March 24, 2009 at 6:01PM
Eastern bluebird pair builds nest
Eastern bluebird pair builds nest (Special To Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Q Now that we're getting into nesting season, can I help the birds by providing construction material for their nests?

A You bet. Hair clippings, dog and cat fur, and short pieces of yarn or string might be used in nest building. You can place these items on the ground or hang them on shrubs. You also can put a few of these items in a shallow container fastened to a tree, which may make it easier for the birds to see.

A couple words of caution: Make sure the pieces of string or yarn are less than 8 inches long. And never put out lint collected from your clothes dryer. Lint absorbs moisture and that can harm baby birds.

Jim Williams, a lifelong birder, is on the U.S. National Wildlife Refuge Birding Initiative Committee. He also is a member of the American Birding Association, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever and Delta Waterfowl. Join his conversation about birds at He can be reached by email at

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about the writer

JIM WILLIAMS, Contributing Writer