Book reviews: Laura Erickson excellent on nests

All about the mysteries of bird nesting, plus two other books

By jim williams

July 4, 2015 at 9:01PM
(The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Nesting is the most active, interesting, and important part of a bird's life. It is the center of that life.

"Into the Nest: Intimate Views of the Courting, Parenting, and Family Life of Familiar Birds" by Duluth Author Laura Erickson and Marie Read is a definitive and beautiful examination and explanation of nesting.

There are several things to like about this book. First, it focuses on our backyard birds, common birds, offering insight into behavior in front of us, but most often our of our reach. It answers every question I could think of. And the photographs illustrating all of this are phenomenal. I suffered a huge case of photographer envy as I read this book.

The book examines courtship, mating, nest construction, egg-laying, parenting on the nest, nestlings, feeding time, and the end of it all — flight of the fledglings. This will become your go-to book for backyard birding.

Laura is author of seven books about birds. She has been editor of "BirdScope" magazine, and a columnist and contributing editor for "BirdWatching" magazine. She is recipient of the Roger Tory Peterson Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the American Birding Association.

Marie Read, who lives in Freeville, New York, is author of three books. Her photos and articles have been featured in several birding magazines and "National Geographic."

The book is published by Storey Publishing in cooperation with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Soft cover, 203 pages, index, glossary, excellent range maps, and hundreds of photos. Price $16.95.

(The Minnesota Star Tribune)


"Offshore Sea Life ID Guide, West Coast," by Steve N. G. Howell and Brian Sullivan, Princeton University Press, soft cover, 56 pages, heavily illustrated, $14.95.

I wish the authors had done this book years ago. I've been on several West Coast pelagic birding trips, my standard bird ID book helpful — for birds — but leaving me reliant on guides for shout-out names of other animals the boat encountered; sometimes you are simply in the wrong place to hear. What was I missing? Species names for whales, dolphins, sea lions, sharks, turtles, flying fish, and more. If you're going to be out there, maybe only once, get your money's worth.

Obviously, this isn't a book for use here. But if you signup for a West Coast pelagic trip — and every serious birder should do that at least once — this book is a must.

Howell has been a guide on most of my trips; he is excellent. Sullivan is one of the most active and respected bird photographers in North America.

(The Minnesota Star Tribune)


"Water Babies: The Hidden Lives of Baby Wetland Birds," William Burt, available this October from Countryman Press, Hardcover, color photos throughout, 240 pages, $29.95.

What I've seen of this book is a teaser sent by the publisher. The photos shown are excellent, text minimal but complete on species basics. This book that looks like it could go on the shelf beside the Erickson/Read book on nesting.

(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
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about the writer

jim williams