There is happy news about bookstores, here on the eve of Independent Bookstore Day.
Milkweed Books, the charming, thoughtfully curated store on the ground floor of the Open Book building in downtown Minneapolis, is making plans to reopen after being closed for two years due to COVID-19.
Storied Owl Books has just reopened at their bricks-and-mortar store at 2059 Randolph Av., St. Paul — Monday through Saturday, noon to 6 p.m.
SubText Books in downtown St. Paul is about to celebrate its 10th anniversary.
And Uncle Hugo's and Uncle Edgar's bookstore — the deeply beloved science fiction and mystery store owned by Don Blyly — has found a new home. The "uncles," as the store is known, burned during the unrest that took place in Minneapolis following the murder of George Floyd. Now, two years on, the store will reopen at 2716 E. 31st St., just a half-block away from Moon Palace Bookstore.

"They can see my building out their front window," Blyly said.
With the help of a $50,000 grant from the Lake Street Council — money earmarked to help businesses that were damaged or destroyed during the riots — Blyly purchased the former Glass Endeavors building. It took him 18 months to find a suitable location, Blyly said, and then another six months to close. The Glass Endeavors owners, who are retiring, wanted time to wind down their business.
Now, there's quite a bit of work that has to take place before opening day — sanding and repairing floors, installing bookcases, ordering stock, figuring out inventory. (About 150,000 books were destroyed in the fire; Blyly has another 20,000 books in his home.)