With more than 1,400 participants and 55 teams playing in a club league this spring, boys' volleyball is a popular sport in Minnesota. But to Minnesota educators, just not quite popular enough.
The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) Representative Assembly met Tuesday to vote on officially sanctioning the sport. A two-thirds majority — 32 votes — was necessary for approval.
The final vote was 31 in favor, 17 opposed.
"Obviously, it's disappointing. We were so close," said St. Paul Como Park athletic director Koua Yang, a first-generation Hmong immigrant who spoke to the assembly and the large group of supporters at the Marriott West in Brooklyn Park. "It's not about pitting one sport against another. It's about more opportunity for kids."
After falling two votes short of approval in 2021, members of the Minnesota Boys High School Volleyball Association refocused their efforts. They attempted to address the concerns of those who had voted against the proposal and worked to get the proposal before the assembly again this year.
"We thought we had it this year," said Krista Flemming of Shakopee, an association director. "We answered all of their questions, but it seems like they didn't listen."
Among the reasons cited for voting no were uncertainty about the time of year for the season, fall or spring. The proposal was initially intended for a spring season to take advantage of gyms that may be unused, but many administrators were reluctant to give up limited space in facilities that are often in high demand in March and April because of poor spring weather. The MSHSL committed to creating a task force to determine the correct time for the season.
Other issues included cost, of which athletic directors are always mindful, availability of officials and if adding boys' volleyball would force additional moves to accommodate Title IX gender equity requirements.