Khaled "Mike" Azem admits he was skeptical at first. Why, he wondered, would anyone expect him to stock a lot of fruit and vegetables in a convenience store that sells mostly chips and snacks? "Come on," he said, "who's going to buy grapes from me?"
But now Azem, who owns the Fremont Market in north Minneapolis, displays baskets of peaches, apples and bananas on the front counter, right next to the candy. He also hosts a sidewalk farm stand, selling avocados, tomatoes, zucchini and other produce every week throughout the summer.
For Azem, fruit and veggies may not be big moneymakers. But he credits an unusual business venture, run largely by students at the University of St. Thomas, with helping to make all this bounty available to his customers.
At BrightSide Produce, college students and local teenagers team up to deliver fresh produce, at discount prices, to corner stores like Azem's in low-income neighborhoods.
Since its founding in 2014, BrightSide has attracted national attention for its unconventional — some would say groundbreaking — business model, which turned what is often a money-losing proposition into a thriving enterprise.
"I'm prone to a bit of hyperbole," says Adam Kay, a St. Thomas biology professor, who is one of the co-founders. But he believes he and his team have created the first "economically sustainable" solution to a nationwide problem.
For years, experts have agonized over urban "food deserts," where groceries and healthful food options are scarce. Typically, says Kay, the corner stores that dominate poor neighborhoods don't sell much produce — and have to charge more when they do — because they can't meet the minimum orders required by wholesalers. So there's no financial incentive to change.
But with BrightSide, store owners can order as little as they want and still get a break on costs. BrightSide buys in bulk and supplies fruit and vegetables to some two dozen convenience stores in low-income neighborhoods. Then it sells whatever is left — at a small profit — to a group of customers back on campus.