Brooklyn Park OKs geocaching in city parks
Brooklyn Park has joined a few other cities that have approved geocaching in its parks. The City Council voted unanimously earlier this month to adopt a policy for the techie treasure hunts in which people use handheld global positioning system (GPS) devices to find hidden, waterproof containers holding small toys, a log book and other items.
MOST METRO COUNTY PARKS allow geocaching as do state parks and a few metro area cities, including Eden Prairie and Champlin.
The Brooklyn Park policy bars hiding geocaches in active use areas, including golf courses and athletic fields. There is no cost, but a registration form, noting geocache location and owner, must be filed with the city, said Recreation and Parks Director Jon Oyanagi.
FOR MORE DETAILS: Call the city at 763-493-8333, or visit its website at Click on the Recreation and Parks tab, then parks and trails, and then geocache policy and form.