Married caretakers of the Centre Village condominium building in Minneapolis were fired and told to vacate their apartment after the husband staged several union rallies at the property management firm he worked for.
In the complaint filed Feb. 1 with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) accused Toronto-based FirstService Residential of Minnesota of violating U.S. fair labor laws by retaliating against employees for participating in legal union activities.
The SEIU said the company's actions not only caused the husband, Kevin Borowske, 56, to lose his job, but also that of Borowske's wife, Larisa. The company also is evicting the couple from the firm's apartment where they have lived for nine years.
FirstService denied the allegations.
"The Borowskes were not terminated for any protected activity," FirstService Executive Vice President Andy Gittleman said in an email. "The separations were in line with longstanding company policies regarding job performance and usage of the provided housing."
He declined to comment further, noting it was against company policy "to discuss internal human resource matters externally."
In an interview, Kevin Borowske said he and his wife were fired Jan. 19 after they were called into the lounge at Centre Village. A manager told the couple they were fired, requested their keys and cellphones and said the pair must move out of their company-provided apartment by Feb. 28.
Borowske said they were not given reasons for the terminations, but he is convinced the firings are related to his extensive union work and a past fight with the company over employee wages. "I am sure [FirstService is] just retaliating because they don't want the union in and this is one way for them to union bust," he said.