Regular readers of Burger Friday will have noticed a pattern, one that involves top-shelf burgers made using Peterson Limousin Beef (find examples here, and here, and here, and here, and others, too numerous to count).
Discerning chefs all over the Twin Cities rely upon this family-owned purveyor for its lean, rich and flavorful ground beef, culled from the Limousin breed cattle raised at this Osceola, Wis.-based operation (pictured, above, in a provided photo). For this Know Where Your Food Comes From edition of Burger Friday, I spent a few minutes on the phone with co-owner Andy Peterson. Here he is on . . .
The Peterson family: "We farm as a family. Dad is the boss. He's the primary caretaker on the day-to-day basis. My brother and I get in and help. I do marketing and distribution, and my brother helps out on weekends. We tag-team. It's nice that our schedules fit. And our brother and sister, they're involved, too, just not on the day-to-day stuff."
We've always farmed in the St. Croix Valley. It goes back to my paternal grandfather. They did dairy in the 1960s. In the 1970s, it was a little of everything: pigs, chickens, cows, horses, mostly a commodity cash crop. In the '90s, my family simplified, going into beef cattle, horses and a cash crop.
Limousin cattle first came to the U.S. in the late 1960s. About 10 years later, my dad and his brothers and their families had a wide mix of commercial cattle. They liked the traits -- the added muscle, for example -- that the Limousin offered. Over the years, the other breeds on the farm whittled out. I like to say that I was born and weaned on Limousin beef. I always thought it was a unique eating experience.
From my viewpoint, the agriculture landscape is similar to the dynamics of the retail business. You had to get large and compete on lower costs, or you had to specialize. We specialized. That's why Limousin took over on our farm. In 2009, we moved to do more wholesaling, and to selling to chefs and restaurants."
Farm details: "We're not a huge operation. We have two farms, one in Dresser, one in Osceola [about an hour northeast of the Twin Cities]. They're pretty close to one another. My guess is that, together, they're more than 200 acres. We typically have about 150 mama cows; that number ebbs and flows. They can live 15 to 16 years; that's what we prefer. The break-even on a mature cow is seven years. You want them to live as long as you can. Our fat cattle — the cattle that go to the butcher — they'll be 18 to 24 months. It comes down to size. We're not a turn-and-burn operation. We're not what a typical commodity feedlot might look like. When they're ready to go, that's when they go. Some smaller-framed animals will go at 18 months, a leaner one will go at 24 months. Overall, we've got about 300 beef cattle. We get our stuff processed at Block & Cleaver Artisan Meats in Siren, Wis."

More details: "We follow a crop rotation system and a rotational grazing technique, so the animals always have access to grass and hay. They move in and out of paddocks. As part of our crop rotation system, we plant non-GMO cereal grains and legumes as part of a limited supplement. Crop rotation reduces risk. You can weather drought and flooding so much better. The two examples that I like to use are 2009 and 2013; they were both dry years. The pastures burned up more than we wanted them to, but our cereal grasses did really well, so that gave us some feed to get us into the winter."