The Minnesota Legislature appears ready to pass a significant increase in early-learning scholarships with rare bipartisan support on behalf of needy Minnesota families whose kids aren't ready for kindergarten.
However, with only days to go in the session, it's unclear how big a bill will squeeze through the House and Senate and to the desk of Gov. Tim Walz.
The kids have important allies, ranging from the Minnesota Business Partnership of the state's 100 largest firms to the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, the Itasca Project, the Children's Defense Fund, the newly formed Minnesota Business Coalition for Racial Equity and Close Gaps by 5, the early-education lobby.
About 35,000 Minnesota kids, disproportionately low income and minority, aren't ready for kindergarten. It is this group that drops out of school at a higher rate and, if making it to graduation, isn't as ready for jobs or college. That costs Minnesota billions annually in lost economic contribution.
Economic research, including from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, has found that quality preschool education can help close Minnesota's yawning racial-achievement gap in education and income.
Nearly 20 years ago, Art Rolnick, then research director of the Minneapolis Fed who is now retired but still active in the cause, determined that $1 invested in quality preschool for disadvantaged kids returns up to $16 to taxpayers.
"We need $415 million a year to fully service those 35,000 very vulnerable kids," said Ericca Maas, executive director of Close Gaps by 5. "The state puts in $70 million for scholarships every year. We are looking at a $1.6 billion state surplus estimated for fiscal 2022-23. And the state is getting $2.6 billion that's flexible funding under the federal American Rescue Plan Act earlier this year. The kids need the investment now. There's no excuse for not getting it done."
Close Gaps by 5 grew from research and millions in private funding of the Minnesota Early Learning Foundation, which offered scholarships and developed the Parent Aware accreditation system for preschools.