The buy local movement that crystallized during the holiday season saved several small retail shops in Minnesota that had dismal years because of the pandemic.
And those stores are hoping the movement stays alive in 2021 as the economy hopefully opens back up as enough people are vaccinated. The stores' fortunes are important since they fuel smaller retail areas from Stillwater and Excelsior to Grand Avenue in St. Paul and rural downtowns.
"People shopped local like they have never done before" during the holidays, said owner Bill Damberg, owner of Brightwater Clothing & Gear in downtown Excelsior. "I can't count the number of customers who said they wanted to patronize Excelsior stores. We have four blocks of small shops, no chains, and there's not a vacant space available on Main Street."
Damberg's business during the year's fourth quarter rose by nearly 20% over last year, offsetting losses in earlier months.
Shop owners spent the year scrambling to adjust to pandemic-related restrictions — building websites, setting up curbside pickup, creating a safe in-store shopping experience at the same time they were redoing loans or rent agreements, applying for government loans and grants and losing colleagues to furloughs, layoffs or closures.
Sometimes all for nothing. Retailers that sell clothes and shoes were the hardest hit as spending shifted due to the pandemic, shrinking more than 12%, according to Coresight Research.
But the buy local campaigns — and the traffic that followed — gave retailers an emotional boost.
"Tears were shed when the retail committee of the Northfield Chamber of Commerce discussed its holiday campaign of 'Be local, buy local' during a Zoom meeting," said Krin Finger, owner of the Rare Pair shoes and apparel store in the college town south of Minneapolis. "I took it one step further and put up signs in my windows that said 'Buy local or bye local.' "