My buddy Ron Rosenbaum, the attorney and broadcasting personality, died Sunday.
The week before he died, I left a message on his cellphone. His longtime companion and co-host of the weekly "Holding Court" podcast, Lucy Quinlivan, told me Rosenbaum told her to call me. We had an off-the-record conversation about Rosenbaum being diagnosed in early March with multiple myeloma. "A very aggressive form," she added. "He developed early complications. That's about the story."
When I asked if Rosenbaum was going to get better, Quinlivan gave it to me straight, like he would've: "No."
After expressing how sorry I was, I emphatically added He's my buddy! "I knoooow," said Quinlivan, mustering a cheerful laugh.
He was more than her buddy, of course.
"Exactly," Quinlivan laughed. "Wow. If we're still off-the-record I'll tell you we got married!" — on April 23.
Rosenbaum's son from his first marriage, Nicholas, "has been home for several weeks," Quinlivan said.
Last year when I was at the artsy Rosenbaum-Quinlivan abode, Ron talked about how well Nicholas was doing, living and working on another continent. During that chat, I told Rosenbaum I wanted to do a Sunday Q&A with him but thought he would talk too much, give me too much to transcribe. He smiled that smile and we laughed. There'd also have been too much chatter in a joint interview with Rosenbaum and Dan Barreiro, the KFAN radio host with whom Ron co-hosted Fox 9's "Enough Said."