Cheeky chipmunks Coming Sunday: Justin Long, the actor who plays Apple's Mac guy in commercials, gave FOX9 a mostly unairable mature-audience-themed interview promoting "Alvin and the Chipmunks, 2007" movie.
C.J.: Cheeky chipmunks
There is car business gossip about gazillionaire Carl Pohlad possibly acquiring a luxury auto dealership.

FOX9's entertainment guy Jason Matheson said he wasn't the only interviewer to whom some cast members gave rather ribald answers. Matheson noticed that they were just as over the top with the Telemundo Network crew.
"The movie is PG," said Matheson. "That interview was PG-13-slash-R."
Long did say one thing that started off funny and then went offensive, unless of course, he's of German heritage. Asked by Matheson how one prepares to be the voice of a chipmunk, Long said "I just bathed in Propecia for a couple of weeks. You really want to know? I just lived with a family, an actual family of chipmunks in Central Park, and I was eventually arrested. A German couple turned me in -- tourists, always the Germans, they'll get you every time."
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