"Chocolate Rain" singer Tay Zonday was in the metro recently working on a Best Buy project.
"A small project with Best Buy's internal production company, Yellow Tag Productions. They have a great team. The details will have to be a surprise," said Zonday, the former University of Minnesota Ph.D. student who moved to California in 2008, where he is enjoying his entertainment career.
We did this interview via e-mail because he's busy.
Q: Did you have an inkling "Chocolate Rain" would go viral?
A: No. I saw YouTube as a place to get feedback on experimental music. I definitely got feedback!
Q: I cannot find anything that explains what the song is about, so enlighten me?
A: I wrote "Chocolate Rain" as a serious social commentary, but people re-sang the song with their own lyrics, often for the sake of comedy. The public created its own various meanings, which is typical of viral content known as "memes."
Q: How hot was it in your dorm/apartment?