C.J.: Coolio was just asking for it at the Lounge

April 17, 2011 at 2:02PM

Word is that Coolio showed patrons at the Lounge nightclub Thursday what a disgusting foolio he's capable of being on stage.

The rapper made vulgar sexual offers to women at the nightclub, according to Brian Bell, a co-owner of the nightspot along with Todd Koosmann.

"I was only there for five minutes and then I left, I walked out," Bell told me Friday. "I remember him being awesome. I'm 40. When he came out that was the stuff. So I was excited for him. But he was just ranting and rambling. I'm the black Charlie Sheen ... Ummm. If I told you what he was saying, you can't even put it in the paper."

Bring it, so I can characterize it -- I can handle curse words.

"This is beyond curse words," said Bell. "He gets on stage ..." and Bell described how Coolio started talking about how he was in the mood for sex but that's not allowed in the club. And then Bell quoted Coolio as asking the women in the audience to do something that I don't think I can possibly sanitize enough even for Twitter (because I won't write just anything there, although others do), let alone a family newspaper.

"That's when I left," said Bell. "Because you know what? I've got a problem here. I'm not the one collecting the ticket money for this. I didn't book him -- a promoter booked him. So he wasn't paid by the club, he was paid by the promoter, who was at the door, who sold the tickets. I have no control over the artist.

"If it was the club doing it, I might have been able to put a very quick end to the thing. But then again, the customers didn't really mind. Maybe they were into it, I just wasn't. [With] hip-hop rap stuff you can pull off a lot of stuff, but I ain't never heard that before."

Bell said he never talked to Coolio, so the nightclub co-owner doesn't know if the aroma of anything the rapper might have been drinking might have been evident.

Friday, I sent a message via Twitter to Coolio seeking a comment regarding the "generous offer" he made in Minneapolis.

Dear Readers, I assume you recognize sarcasm when you hear it?

'Seen my scar?'Frank Vascellaro seemed to enjoy showing me his butt. However, the news anchor drew the line at showing it to the rest of the world.

The WCCO-TV anchor man is recovering from April 1 hip replacement surgery.

You'll know this was no joke when you see my startribune.com/video of him on his crutches. He was hobbling around pretty well and was not in much pain. Abbott Northwestern sent him home with some leg-wrap devices that inflate with air and constrict your legs to keep the blood flowing to prevent blood clots.

Although I did not have my purple latex gloves (seen many times on Fox 9 when I thought the NFL might need me to examine Brett Favre), I asked to see Vascellaro's scar.

"I showed it to Mark Rosen yesterday; he was very excited about it." said Vascellaro.

Rosen didn't sound that excited when I talked to him: "I stopped over to see how my colleague was doing and he said, You've gotta see this! I said OK. I thought there might be a giant bandage, but [the bandage] was like a friggin' airport runway [with a couple of turns]. I said, 'That's cool.'"

I saw the incision after the bandage was removed, and it's gnarly in length and direction and the staples give the skin an interesting texture. I looked but did not touch. Vascellaro's wife and co-anchor, Amelia Santaniello, was in the house.

"The kids want to see it all the time," Vascellaro said Thursday. "They asked for show-and-tell last night, and then they asked to see it again this morning."

But they saw it Wednesday night? "They're kids," he reminded me.

It is something to see, but he would not allow videotape of the area. That would have been behavior unbecoming an anchorman.

New book on PrinceJason Draper, a music writer based in London, has written a book about Symbolina called "Prince: Chaos, Disorder, and Revolution."

The 2011 release on Amazon is already marked down from $19.99 to $12.81.

C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or cj@startribune.com. E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on Fox 9 Thursday mornings.

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