Remember Steve Cochran, the KDWB-FM morning show DJ back when that station was fun? He's doing extremely well with a talk show in Chicago at WGN. His latest stint with WGN began in 2013. "Was there 2000-2010; fired in 2010 by some guys from the bar in Star Wars," he quipped.
When you read his answers in this e-mail Q&A, don't forget that Cochran is a stand-up comedian.
Q: What's up, Grandpa? What is the most ungrandpa-like experience you have introduced to your son's baby?
A: She's too young for the real fun yet, but I look forward to many years of her parents eye-rolling … at me.
Q: What's something Grandpa has willingly done that Dad didn't? I remember you as a fairly involved parent. (Maureen is free to correct my recollection.)
A: Ross is all over it! A great dad already. But in regards to my own fathering, I'm a diaper genie.
Q: Updates on Maureen and the kids, Amy and Ross?
A: Maureen manages Vera Bradley stores and travels to open new stores around the country. Amy just got her master's in behavioral therapy and works one-on-one with kids with autism. Ross is doing well as a mortgage broker. His wife, Lauren, is a nurse at Lurie Children's Hospital here. And "The Cochran Show" is the No. 1 talk show in Chicago … unless Oprah comes back.