Campaign finance board will look into MN GOP, Common Cause says

In response to a Common Cause Minnesota complaint, agency says it will "conduct an investigation"

By rachelsb

January 9, 2012 at 6:41PM

The Minnesota campaign regulatory agency said Monday that it will "conduct an investigation" into state Republican Party finances responding to a complaint by Common Cause Minnesota, according to a letter released by Common Cause.

The state Republican Party recently said it was about $2 million in debt, which comes amid other leadership changes and disclosure of previously unreported debts.

Common Cause last week complained that the GOP's use of outside corporations to handle expenses for the 2010 recount and its failure to disclose expenses were legal violations.

In a letter Common Cause released Monday, the state campaign finance board said the board likely lay the issue over until its March meeting.

Gary Goldsmith, executive director of the campaign finance board, said he could not confirm or deny that an investigation has been opened or the veracity of the letter Common Cause released but said the board typically sends a letter to a complainant if there are allegations of potential wrongdoing that would be violations if proved true.
The letter released by Common Cause:

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