When it comes to barbershops, history is a big deal.
And nowhere is the history of haircuts a bigger deal than at Capitol Barbers, the barbershop in the basement of the State Office Building in St. Paul. According to its owner, Josh Kirkpatrick, and its website, Capitol Barbers has been trimming, shaving and buzzing heads since 1883 — making it the oldest barbershop in the country.
Not to split hairs, but that may not be entirely true.
While Kirkpatrick said the shop dates to 1883 — then located at the second State Capitol in downtown St. Paul — records are a little fuzzier on when it relocated to the current State Capitol after it opened in 1905. In 1932, the shop moved to the space in the State Office Building it's had ever since.
"The fact is, there has been a barbershop on the State Capitol campus since 1883," said Kirkpatrick, who bought the shop from his dad, Ken, in 2016. Ken Kirkpatrick bought Capitol Barbers in 1972 and still cuts hair there.
"I've cut every governor's hair since Wendell Anderson" Ken Kirkpatrick said. "Except Jesse Ventura. He didn't have any."
Ken Kirkpatrick can also rattle off the names of the barbers who snipped and clipped on the Capitol grounds before him.
"Hank Breemshad it for seven or eight years before me. And before him, Harold Lawson had it for 35 years," he said.