Dr. Elizabeth Klodas, a veteran Edina cardiologist, has long been wary of the pop-a-drug approach to fighting high cholesterol and heart disease.
"In medicine, we've devolved into treating the symptoms of the underlying disease, poor nutrition," Klodas said recently. "I'm astounded every day by what people tell me they eat. Two doughnuts for breakfast? And one patient drank six bottles of Coke during the day … and dinners out of a box? No fresh fruits or vegetables? How can you expect to be healthy?"
She said, "There's no amount of medication that I can prescribe to offset that. If I put you on cholesterol-lowering medication and you're eating food high in cholesterol, what good are we doing?"
To be sure, Klodas prescribes drugs to patients who need them, but it can be "really hard for people and they often end up on a whole bunch of medications, " the doctor said. And those medications may have side effects and long-term consequences.
Her prescription?
"Food is the next new thing," said Klodas, who preaches improved diets and physical activity for those in heart trouble whether through genetics or a sedentary lifestyle and bad diet.
Yet even when people know that they should eat better foods, they often don't because they're too busy or too hooked on fast food to evolve to heart-heathy, unprocessed foods.
"It's hard to get these good things into a diet unless you are thoughtful and vigilant," said Klodas, also the author of a book called "Slay the Giant: the Power of Prevention in Treating Heart Disease" and a founding editor of www.cardio smart.org, an education effort of the American College of Cardiology. "Even foods labeled 'heart healthy' can give you a false sense of security."