This is another wonderful opportunity to honor one of our most prized Minnesotans.
Carl Platou, Captain Sunshine
By Nancy Platou Steinke
Carl Platou, my father, passed away this May at the age of 88 from pancreatic cancer. He lived an amazing life, raised in the depression by proud Norwegian imigrant parents.
Dad was a true war hero in WWII, paratrooper, demolition expert and recieved the Purple Heart. He loved reading and watching stories of WWII, however he truly felt calling their generation the "Greatest Generation" did a disservice to future generations.
He would tell our sons, "GREATNESS IS IN THE FUTURE". That is how Dad lived each day of his life. He was a visionary and had the ability to touch people in many walks of life.
Dad graduated from the UofM in the first Hospital Administration program and became well known as a trail blazer and visionary while working for and creating Fairview Health Services. He achieved many wonderful honors and accomplishments along the way including the Knighthood by King Olav 1975. Retirement did not slow Dad down, he worked effortlessly securing the UofM Biomedical center.
Once again looking towards the future for our state. Our family called him "Captain Sunshine" because of his charm, witt, honesty, sincere interest in others but mostly his positive attitude in life. Our Captain Sunshine may be gone however his radiance shines on.
To quote one of his favorite poems by Afred, Lord Tennsyon:
"Push sail beyond the strive, to seek, to find and not to yield."
about the writer
Nancy Platou Steinke
Republicans say Democrats should return to the Capitol, but DFL leaders praised Friday’s court decision.