He founded and nurtured Minnesota's non-game wildlife program in the same way he raised 4-H livestock as an Iowa farm kid.
In both pursuits, Carrol Henderson was creative, energetic and passionate. In fact, the first-year budget he was handed in 1977 by the state Department of Natural Resources wasn't worth much more than the muskrats he trapped as a boy, selling their fur to buy his first 4-H calves.
Now the distinguished bird watcher, hunter and expert taxidermist is preparing to leave the helm of what he developed into a $2.5 million-a-year conservation stronghold with 16 full-time employees around the state. He's the only DNR non-game wildlife supervisor Minnesota has ever known, and his projects over four decades have boosted the state's bald eagles, trumpeter swans, common loons, peregrine falcons, bluebirds, blue herons, egrets, sandhill cranes, purple martins, river otters, frogs, turtles, bats, ospreys and snakes.
When the 72-year-old Henderson retires in early October, he will leave a dynamic legacy.
"The man is like the Energizer bunny, and it's not nervous energy. The ideas just keep popping out of him," said Pam Perry, a retired DNR non-game wildlife biologist who lives in Brainerd.
Minnesota's acclaimed Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota might not exist if it weren't for Henderson. He's the person responsible for the state income tax Chickadee Checkoff, and he wrote five state-published conservation guide books that raised $250,000 in royalties for his own program.
The former Air Force captain has won at least three national conservation awards, including 2016's Frances K. Hutchinson Medal from the Garden Club of America. He's led 64 international bird-watching trips on his own time, including many to Costa Rica, the homeland of his wife, Ethelle. He once photographed two humpback whales off the coast of Costa Rica to help document their migration pattern. The images were used by the country's president to designate more than 13,500 acres of Pacific Ocean as a whale sanctuary.
Henderson championed pollinator habitat before it was popular and leveraged his outdoors credibility as a hunter of waterfowl, deer, pheasant and woodcock to fight against the use of toxic ammunition and lead fishing tackle. His field work that showed birds were feeding on lead shotgun pellets led to Minnesota's pioneering ban against lead shot for waterfowl hunting in 1987 — a shake-up that federal officials mimicked four years later.