Minnesota's participation ranking in the 2020 census has slipped from 1st in the nation to 11th because of a lack of follow-up that threatens to leave thousands of the state's residents uncounted, according to local officials and advocates.
The 2020 census ends in just one month, and field workers are searching for the 12% of Minnesota households who haven't filled out their form. Despite Minnesota's top self-response rate — the number of people who completed the census themselves — the percentage of households counted lags other states because field workers have reached a smaller share of households that haven't responded.
At a news conference Monday, local and state leaders joined census advocates to raise questions about the "nonresponse followup" process in Minnesota — particularly in Hennepin County — which began in August. It was held in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, an area dominated by Somali immigrants with some of the lowest self-response rates in Minneapolis.
One advocate, Monica Hurtado with the nonprofit organization Voices for Racial Justice, purposefully refrained from filling out her form to see if a census worker would contact her.
"No one has been to my door to ask me to complete the census," said Hurtado, who lives in north Minneapolis. "I'm an educated, middle-class woman. My fear is that LatinX people and others who might be struggling are not getting any visits from the census takers and thousands of people will be left out."
The State Demographer's Office spoke with 70 Hennepin County residents last week who previously said they had not completed the census. Seventeen of them still hadn't filled out the form, nor had they received a visit from a Census Bureau worker.
State Demographer Susan Brower said response rates are still low in communities of color, immigrant communities, Indigenous communities, rural communities and areas with many college students and apartment buildings.
"We're left with concerns and questions about whether the 2020 census will count all of us," Brower said. "On the ground I do hear stories like Monica's that make me nervous."