A judge sentenced fired Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin to 22 ½ years in prison Friday for the murder of George Floyd, a killing captured on a bystander's viral video that pushed a divided nation into unrest and spurred a still-unfolding racial reckoning.
Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill noted the "particular cruelty" of the crime in delivering the sentence, and in a memo expounding on his decision, the judge said Chauvin "treated Mr. Floyd without respect and denied him the dignity owed to all human beings."
Cahill delivered the sentence after relatives on both sides talked about their personal pain and acknowledged the lasting trauma that reverberated from Floyd's killing. Floyd's family members, their anguished testimony sometimes halted by tears, pleaded for the maximum sentence. For the first time, Chauvin himself spoke, expressing condolences to Floyd's family.
Floyd's killing by a white police officer reignited a painful national debate about policing and racial justice, prompting a campaign to radically defund or dismantle some police departments across the country, a debate now raging in Minneapolis. The killing also altered the debate in business, sports and popular culture and prompted the removal of more than 160 Confederate monuments and the changing of the name of Washington's NFL team.
The sentence offered some closure to the trial, which ended with guilty verdicts in late April.
Floyd's brother, Terrence, tearfully said he wanted to ask Chauvin, "Why? What were you thinking? What was going through your head when you had your knee on my brother's neck, when you knew that he imposed no threat anymore while he was handcuffed? Why didn't you at least get up? Why you stayed there?"
He said the family wanted the maximum penalty. "We don't want to see no more slaps on the wrist. We've been through that already," he said.
The sentencing was the denouement to the story that began shortly after 8 p.m. on May 25, 2020, with a call to police from the Cup Foods convenience store in south Minneapolis. A store clerk reported Floyd on suspicion of passing a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes. Minutes after police arrived, Floyd was pinned under Chauvin's knee on the pavement, saying he couldn't breathe and begging along with several bystanders for his life. Chauvin ignored the pleas.