On Saturday night, eight designers each sent seven looks down the runway, to oohs, aahs, applause and occasional giggles. The Ignite Models' Envision show, which organizers said drew nearly 1,000 people to Orchestra Hall, was the opening event in a weeklong showcase of local designers' work.
Cheeky underwear, gorgeous gowns steal spotlight at Fashion Week Minnesota
Local designers unveiled their newest work in a weeklong celebration of Fashion Week Minnesota.
The crowd craned and fell silent for a stunning gown in a delicate floral print, detailed with sequins, by Emily Trevor. They giggled when Cory Allen Linsmeyer sent out a skimpy pair of underwear decorated with wild horses as his final look. And when Joeleen Torvick's flowy, flirty dresses accented with boldly colored origami-like patterns sailed by, many jotted notes.
Those were just a few highlights from Saturday's finely crafted work. More Fashion Week Minnesota (FWMN) events, including smaller, one-designer shows by Kandler and JoyNoelle, featured here, took place. And you can still catch shows this week. See what's up, from an Instagrammer's meetup to a black tie ball, at http://fashionweekmn.com/#calendar.
Critics’ picks for entertainment in the week ahead.