Chris Farrell
Your MoneyChris Farrell is economics editor for American Public Media's weekly "Marketplace Money" show and author of "The New Frugality." He answers reader questions on most Sundays. Send questions to and put "Your Money" in the subject line.
Latest from Chris Farrell
Assess your financial risk before new policies affect the economy
The Trump administration comes into power with many policy goals, including economic initiatives like enacting significant tax cuts; imposing broad-based and significant tariffs; sweeping raids, mass deportations and tighter immigration controls; and slashing federal government regulations.
November 23, 2024
Assess your financial risk before new policies affect the economy
The Trump administration comes into power with many policy goals, including economic initiatives like enacting significant tax cuts; imposing broad-based and significant tariffs; sweeping raids, mass deportations and tighter immigration controls; and slashing federal government regulations.
November 23, 2024