Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O'Hara has loosened the department's pursuit policy to allow officers to chase fleeing suspects involved in certain firearm-related offenses, a change he says is meant to help curb rampant gun violence.
Under the new policy, a pursuit can be initiated when a person illegally discharges or points a weapon at someone — even in situations that result in no physical harm. Previous guidelines placed strict parameters on when officers could request approval to engage in a pursuit, often requiring that there be a victim.
"You could have a scenario — which has happened — where police are present and someone starts shooting a gun off in the air from a car, takes off and gets onto the highway and they can't chase," O'Hara said in an interview Friday. "That doesn't send the right message. And I don't think it meets community expectations."
The change, which went into effect May 2, carves out new exceptions for weapons offenses that O'Hara believes will provide more clarity for how officers should handle various situations. As before, authorization for any pursuit must be granted by a supervisor who will weigh the "necessity for apprehension" against the risk to officers and the public.
Minneapolis police still won't chase teens for joyriding or property crimes, for example, without an underlying threat of violence.
The policy revisions follow years of increasingly tighter restrictions on vehicle pursuits after a series of high-profiles crashes in the Twin Cities metro that elected leaders said unnecessarily put lives in danger.
Some police reform advocates questioned why O'Hara would make such a change without first consulting the community — particularly at a time when the department is seeking to rebuild trust in the midst of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights settlement agreement.
"It is not the time to be relaxing the pursuit policy," said Dave Bicking, vice president of Communities United Against Police Brutality. "This just sets us up for more tragedy."