SUPERIOR, Wis. - A much-delayed and controversial plan to build a gas-fired power plant in this city of 27,000 now faces opposition from local leaders who previously supported it.
The $700 million project is contentious for its location — bordering a Lake Superior estuary and an Anishinaabe mass grave — and for its potential harm to the environment, property values and health of area residents. The Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) is already seven years in the making and has cleared many regulatory and legal hurdles, with construction expected to start this spring.
But now at least four members of the 10-member City Council oppose the project with several undecided. Superior Mayor Jim Paine is also now against it, noting state and federal scrutiny of the project has been lax.
“I don’t see any way that this site was ever appropriate for this,” Paine said, referencing its unstable ground and nearby Anishinaabe cemetery of nearly 200 bodies. The bodies were relocated from Wisconsin Point, a peninsula a few miles east, more than a century ago to make way for ore docks that were never built.
“The trauma of moving these graves for an industrial project, only to have a new industrial project built pretty much on top of them is just really offensive,” he said.
He’s been skeptical of the project since he took office in 2017, but didn’t oppose it until more recently, in speaking with environmental groups and after a Catholic church transferred the Nemadji River-area cemetery land to the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa in 2022. (The city transferred Wisconsin Point burial grounds to the band at the same time.) With the band now owning that land, he saw the project differently.
NTEC is touted as a job creator and is intended as a back-up power provider to support expansion of wind and solar energy plants. It would be owned by Minnesota Power, which will build and operate the plant, Wisconsin’s Dairyland Power Cooperative and North Dakota-based Basin Electric Power Cooperative. Area labor unions have rallied for the 625-megawatt facility in recent weeks as the owners prepare to face the city’s Plan Commission for necessary permits.
Its most recent federal ruling includes a finding of no significant impact on air quality, land and other resources by the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS). But a couple of legal rulings, a federal wetland permit and a major federal loan Dairyland expects to apply for still stand in its way before construction can begin.