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The city of Minneapolis has made commitments to undoing racism and promoting environmental justice. But some officials apparently intend to comply only if it doesn't cost money and isn't inconvenient.
Exhibit A: The Hiawatha expansion of the city's public works yard at the Roof Depot site in the East Phillips neighborhood. There, the city's commitment to equity is colliding with its pocketbook. The health and economic well-being of this BIPOC neighborhood hangs in the balance.
East Phillips is a low-income, racially diverse neighborhood that experiences some of the worst racial health disparities in Minnesota due to a legacy of toxic pollution. For years, East Phillips residents, under the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute banner (EPNI), have planned to reduce pollution while creating sustainable economic opportunities and food security. Their vision for a multicultural, community-owned Urban Farm counts on repurposing the 230,000-square-foot steel and concrete Roof Depot building for aquaponics, hydroponics, 750-1,000 new green jobs, training, solar energy, affordable housing, entrepreneurial opportunities and more.
With considerable interest in this effort, the missing piece is site control in order to move forward.
EPNI tried to buy the site in 2015. The city wanted it, too. Needing to improve its Public Works facilities, the city seeks to consolidate operations at its Hiawatha Avenue site, adding departmentwide employees, and a home base for its fleet of diesel-fueled trucks. This would mean demolishing the Roof Depot building.
In 2016, threatening eminent domain, Minneapolis bought the parcel for $6.8 million, borrowing from its water fund to do so.