Minnesota lawmakers have promised an effort to significantly cut red tape for wind, solar and transmission-line permits won’t result in meaningfully less oversight or public involvement.
“If we want to permit clean energy, we’re going to have to speed it up in a way that doesn’t harm the process, public input or environmental review,” said Sen. Nick Frentz, DFL-North Mankato, during a March hearing for the permitting bill he is sponsoring.
But on that measure, legislation advancing at the state Capitol has received mixed reviews.
Frentz’s bill passed the DFL-majority Senate last week and has earned praise from regulators on the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). It also has the backing of one influential environmental nonprofit that advocates for strong permitting rules.
Supporters say Minnesota urgently needs to streamline its process to reach a target for a 100% carbon-free electric grid by 2040. But at least one environmental group — focused on rural areas where many clean power projects are built — and one frequent skeptic of transmission projects have criticisms of the legislation, even if some early concerns about the bill have softened after revisions.
“Saying that we need to maintain public input kind of implies that we’re already doing a good enough job, which we maybe are or are not,” said Sarah Mooradian, government relations and policy director for Montevideo-based CURE.
That assessment might not slow down the legislation, a version of which is also moving ahead in the DFL-controlled House. If lawmakers in the two chambers reconcile their differences — and if the recent arrest of a DFL lawmaker does not upend the balance of power in the narrowly divided Senate — the permitting policy would likely be the most significant change to Minnesota’s energy system made at the state Capitol this year.
Quicker timelines
The Senate’s version of the permitting bill is a complicated proposal to overhaul the convoluted process that typically involves not only the PUC but also the Department of Commerce and an administrative law judge. It repeals some existing law and replaces it with what supporters say is a similar but cleaner and more consistent process. Will Seuffert, executive secretary of the PUC, said the legislation retains the core attributes of public meetings and hearings for projects under current law.