Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
In some cases, a conviction and time served for a minor nonviolent offense has locked people out of job opportunities. Others have been prevented from volunteering at a school or in the community because the words “misdemeanor” and “incarcerated” appeared in a background check. And applications for apartments or other housing have been rejected due to years-old minor offenses.
But thanks to Minnesota’s new Clean Slate Act, now an estimated 500,000 Minnesotans will have their records expunged automatically and at no financial cost. Eligible arrest, conviction and incarceration records for those who have remained crime-free for two to five years can be sealed, depending on the offense.
It’s an important step toward fully re-enfranchising and offering second chances to lower-level, nonviolent offenders.
Kevin Reese, co-executive director and founder of Until We Are All Free Movement (UWAAF) said the new rules, by breaking down barriers for the formerly incarcerated, will “create more workers, homeowners, taxpayers, participants in democracy.“
Among the eligible are those who have committed petty and gross misdemeanor offenses, if the charge has been dismissed or if the person successfully completed a diversion program or stay of adjudication. Violent offenses and many other crimes — including harassment, stalking and DUI — don’t qualify.
In the past, people with certain criminal records had to petition and pay fees to have courts seal records. That process remains in place for more serious offenses. But the new law, passed in 2023, will expunge records automatically when the eligibility criteria are met.