Cold fronts are brewing but nothing truly arctic

By Paul Douglas

The Minnesota Star Tribune
February 11, 2024 at 9:56PM

“The first eight days of February averaged 25.2 degrees F above normal on a statewide basis. In fact, these are the warmest first eight days of February in state history, surpassing 1991 and 2005,” climate historian Mark Seeley said. An 18-day thaw in the middle of winter with temperatures 20 to 35 F warmer than average? He told me it was historically unprecedented. When the weather veers sharply in one direction there is often a correction, with temperatures reversing course. Is the other shoe (boot) about to drop? Will we see more cold fronts? Absolutely. Anything truly arctic in sight? “Any hint of the polar vortex, Paul?” No. I see three to five days in the 20s with nights in the teens starting Friday. ECMWF ensemble forecasts show nothing subzero in the metro into late March. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration climate models keep us milder than average from March into May. No knockdown, drag-out snowstorms are in sight, but can I interest you in a slushy coating Wednesday night? Welcome to Tulsa (with lakes). No drama in sight. It’s too quiet out there.

about the writer

Paul Douglas