Cold, Snowy in Europe through the Weekend

By AccuWeather

December 31, 2009 at 1:25PM

A blast of arctic air will descend across northern and central Europe Thursdayand Friday. Meanwhile, a series of storms will track across southern Europe.The result will be widespread cold and snow.

Snow will accumulate as far south as southern France, northern Spain andnorthern Italy. Cities like Paris and London will have a couple of bouts ofaccumulating snow through the weekend.

Recent snow has caused trouble across England and northern France. Early lastweek, traffic between France and England was brought to a standstill.

Widespread travel delays are expected with the upcoming winter weather.

Snow has already started across the U.K. As much as 8 inches of snow fellacross Wales Tuesday. Normal annual snowfall in Paris and London is less than10 inches. The normal winter snowfall could be exceeded by the end of theweekend.

The cold pattern will likely hold through the first full week of 2010.

Story by Senior Meteorologist Dave Samuhel.

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