Many thanks to the readers who commented about my "Singin' In The Rain" cast memories, published here, June 23rd. Following are my comments about THEIR comments, commencing with each person's ID:
Comments about readers comments, plus the Colorado fires
It's gratifying to see readers comments. Today I'll address those germane to my "Singin' In The Rain" blog of June 23rd, as well as some other thoughts, germane thereto, or germane to possibly nothing. :)
SeaShark reminisced about sultry songstress Julie London and asked me to comment about her, if I knew her. Sadly, I didn't, but her rendition of CRY ME A RIVER was one of my all-time favorites. Still is. In my opinion, it was her "signature" song and she delivered it with the sensuosness only Julie, in my opinion, possessed. I always thought Julie was very underrated. For seven years she was tempestuously-married to actor Jack Webb, DRAGNET creator and star of that series, on both radio and television. At the time of their divorce, it was highly-publicized Mr. Webb was physically abusive to Ms. London, thus the permanent split ensued, but they worked together professionally as producer and actress in subsequent years. Julie was also a favorite pin-up girl for GIs during World War Two. She passed away at age 74 in 2000.
nordeaster kindly liked my personal Gene Kelly memories, but stated there were a few obvious typos in the copy. Mea culpa. After reading nordeaster's comment, I looked at the copy again. There were three typos. One had an additional letter affixed to a word and the other two were additional unnecessary (and un-caught) punctuation marks. As a stickler for correct spelling, grammar and punctuation, I plead guilty, and will now send myself to the Principal's office. (Seriously, thanks for noticing, and commenting.)
rendahl82 first asked where SINGIN' IN THE RAIN would be shown, then kindly satisfied any readers/commenters similar queries with a very complete answer in a second comment. To reiterate, it will be shown on selected big screens throughout the metro area (all wonderfully identified by rendahl82) for one time only, July 12th. Thank you, rendahl82, for your due diligence. I had thought, when writing the blog, EVERYONE knew where it would be shown. So much for thinking. Duh.
strib10 remembered taking a pre-teen daughter to see GONE WITH THE WIND and her being impressed with what she saw. Then strib10 stated he (she?) wished the Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland version of ROBIN HOOD could also be resurrected on the big screen. Indeed, that was a swashbuckler of classic proportions and would be fun to see again on the behemoth screen. Here's a fun factoid about that particular film: The exteriors representing Sherwood Forest were shot near Chico, California. While visiting some friends in that town, they brought me to the site, which is one of Chico's most revered, and justifiably so, in my opinion. (Sidebar: Local Channel 5 morning show weather and news anchors Patrick Hammer and Megan Newquist both worked in that town during part of their fledgling years in the television business. Something else about which Chico residents can duly and proudly note! :) )
THE COLORADO FIRES - My youngest daughter (age 49) and her family live in Fountain, a Colorado Springs suburb which is thankfully far enough east of the fires raging near and through parts of that city, keeping them out of harm's way. Last night, she called me in tears describing the devastaion she could see from their higher elevation town, looking toward "the Springs". Prayers abound the calamity subsides soon.
Thanks for taking the time to read this blog, as well as possibly tuning in to my STAR TRIBUNE webcasts, entitled A SENIOR MOMENT at The webcast subject changes every Monday, as do my socks. :)