ST. PETER, Minn. — Dan Coffman took a break Friday from harvesting his crop and walked to the back of the lean-to on his machine shed.
He opened one of the huge white totes stacked there marked "Lane Ridge Farm." They're filled with an innovative wheatgrass called Kernza, backed up and waiting to go somewhere. Large metal grain bins of it stand outside too.
"I still have half of my 2021 crop in storage, I have all of my 2022 crop in storage, and at this point I will have all of my 2023 crop in storage with no market available to me," Coffman said. He decided to plant only 10 acres of Kernza next year, down from 30.
"After that I'm going to have to see if the market picks up," Coffman said. "It's tough to run a business without generating an income off acres."
Billed as the new wonder grain — a wheatgrass with a nutty, graham or rye-like flavor — Kernza uses very little nitrogen fertilizer, and its extremely long roots make it a powerhouse at soaking up nitrogen that would otherwise seep into groundwater, research has shown. It's the type of eco-crop promoted for farm country to help cut the nitrate leaching from nitrogen fertilizers into the state's waters.
Coffman is one of more than 50 farmers around Minnesota who grow Kernza now. Still, there are only about 1,400 acres in the state. That's more than any other state, but it's small — not much more than the state's acres of berries. It's a boutique grain. A 5-pound bag of Kernza baking flour costs $30 at Northfield-based startup Perennial Pantry, which Coffman sells to.
When asked why there are so few acres of an eco-crop in Minnesota when it's targeted as a nitrate-reduction tool, Coffman did not hesitate. No one is buying it. He wants to grow more of it for the water and environmental benefits — and because he finds growing corn and soybeans boring, he said.
"I think it just takes time for the general public to accept it or for it to become more mainstream," he said.