First, some back story:
For years, I cooked dinner for a family of four virtually every night of the week. Based on their comments, I got pretty good at it.
But kids peel away in due course. And spouses aren't always forever.
At which point, you learn to fly solo.
As petty as it seems, one of the biggest challenges of what I'll call "second singlehood" was learning to feed myself.
Cooking was something I did for others. Dinner was a sacred gathering of the tribe. Those empty chairs at the table looked like holes in my life. And when it came to drumming up a thoughtful meal for a crew that included me, myself and I, was it really worth the effort?
On the other hand, I couldn't just walk away from the kitchen. Cooking had become a source of solace, fulfillment, adventure. Taking myself to a nice restaurant every night was financially off the table, and I wasn't about to succumb to a lifetime of frozen pizzas and commercial burritos.
I'm far from alone in aloneness. According to some statistics, 46 percent of U.S. adults are single. Other sources crank it up a notch. Women are no longer compelled to marry for security or status. And guys — even those who eventually surrender their bachelorhood — are waiting far longer than their fathers to do so.