Who'd have thought?
Turns out the Cooper's hawk — the swift and storied hunter of forest and woodland — is a city fan at heart.
Drawn by the birds that are drawn to birdfeeders, this crow-sized predator is doing exceptionally well throughout the Twin Cities and even the starkest of American urban environments. This is a sweeping change from the 1960s and '70s when the Cooper's population was scarily low throughout much of the nation due to shooting, habitat loss and reduced nesting success from a now-banned insecticide.
"It's an amazing story of unintended consequences," said Robert Rosenfield, one of the world's leading Cooper's hawk experts and a professor at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. "Peoples' interest in feeding and watching birds in their own backyard attracted the very predator that eats them. Cooper's have flourished because urban prey is so abundant."
This irony is documented in a newly published study by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers Benjamin Zuckerberg and Jennifer McCabe. Their research focused on the city of Chicago. It is based on more than 20 years of citizen science gathered by Project FeederWatch, a Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada collaboration in which people who feed birds document avian activity.
"These forest birds have colonized urban America at an amazing speed, and we documented that in Chicago," said Zuckerberg. "In the late 1990s, Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks occupied only 26 percent of the sites around Chicago. Today, it's about 70 percent. Like coyotes, cougars and certain other top predators, they have adapted to the ever-growing urban environment."
Zuckerberg said before the study he and McCabe suspected impervious surface (roads, parking lots, buildings) would influence hawk populations. So, too, they thought, would the amount and location of preferred tree canopy. But that wasn't the case. "Initially hawks colonized areas of less development, but over time it was food availability, meaning backyard birds, that was the single most important factor," McCabe said.
The Cooper's hawk prefers hearty meals — robins, jays, doves and the like — but once established in an urban area any old chickadee dinner will do.