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In 2016, I was knocking on doors with a young Latina organizer who told me that, despite working so hard to get out the vote, she could not even be a delegate to our DFL conventions because she was a Dreamer. I vowed on the spot to change that. After six years of effort to update party rules and challenge state law, we succeeded in expanding who could participate in our endorsement process to include Dreamers and other non-voters.
The DFL Party works hard to build a fair and inclusive endorsement process, which is one of the many reasons why I was so disappointed to see Amane Badhasso baselessly attacking that process and accusing the DFL Party of voter suppression ("DFL establishment betrayed values to oppose me," May 12). This could not be further from the truth.
First, when Badhasso accuses "Minnesota's political establishment" of conspiring against her, let's be clear about who she is talking about.
The folks we count on to ensure our caucuses and conventions are fairly and efficiently run are diverse groups of volunteers who get together over Zoom or around kitchen tables to schedule endorsing conventions, double-check credentials, coordinate with candidates and venues, and so much more. When Badhasso lashes out at "party insiders" who are "petrified by the prospect of losing their grip on power," that's who she's referring to.
Second, when Badhasso refers to an "antiquated, broken establishment that's fighting tooth and nail to hold its grip on power," let's be clear who she is referring to.
Thanks to the reforms I have pushed from the very beginning of my time as chairman, nearly 12 years ago, this party is more diverse and open than it has ever been. As a result, we've seen more people than ever from communities of color and other underrepresented communities being elected as delegates, into party leadership positions, as well as public elected offices throughout Minnesota.