Counterpoint: The case for choosing a Trump-Vance administration

For suburban families, think of it as a rendezvous with destiny.

By Ryan Wilson

October 8, 2024 at 10:30PM
"Trump and Vance offer the leadership that Minnesota’s suburbs need across several intertwined policies," Ryan Wilson writes. (Glen Stubbe/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

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I am writing in response to the Aug. 13 commentary “My time for choosing” by a former state GOP officer endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. In his piece, Michael Brodkorb frames his argument around Ronald Reagan’s “A Time for Choosing” speech.

I agree that this is a time for choosing and that Reagan’s closing exhortation in that speech applies today as much as it did in 1964: Based on the outcome of this election, “we’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”

I am a suburban father, husband, former small-business owner, coach and lifelong Minnesotan. I am like many of you — a parent who just wants a good life for his family and someday a better life for his children. I want schools where kids excel, not just get by. I want streets where kids can play safe and not be afraid to go out after dark. I don’t want the government tell me how to raise my family, and I don’t want to care about my neighbor’s (or a pop singer’s) political views. I, like many of you, just want things to be … normal.

That is why I am writing to make the case for suburban voters and for all Minnesotans as to why a Donald Trump/JD Vance administration is best for this state and country.

The first Trump administration brought prosperity, security and constitutional respect. Voting for Trump is about preserving these ideals and ensuring a future that empowers families, communities and the nation.

In the upcoming elections, suburban families in Minnesota face a crucial decision about the future of their communities and their families. The stakes are high, and choosing candidates who can promote economic growth, protect family values, ensure safety and uphold our constitutional freedoms is essential. For these reasons, Trump and Vance are the ideal candidates for suburban families. Their policies are not a collection of populist promises but a carefully crafted vision that aims to improve life for our families, children and elderly parents. Trump and Vance offer the leadership that Minnesota’s suburbs need across several intertwined policies.

1) An economic plan with the middle class and job creation at its core

Like families nationwide, suburban families in Minnesota need an economy that works for them. Under Trump’s leadership, we saw a booming economy, record-low unemployment and significant growth in middle-class incomes. The success of his economic policies was no accident; they were rooted in a clear vision for creating jobs, supporting businesses and reducing the financial burdens on working families.

Pro-family economy: Trump’s economic policies are inherently pro-family. Lower taxes means that families have more disposable income. His tax cuts for middle-income earners made a real difference, allowing suburban families to save more for their children’s education, invest in their homes and plan for retirement. When the middle class thrives, so do families, and Trump understands that an economy designed for the middle class is a pro-family economy.

Job creation and economic opportunity: Trump’s policies focus on bringing back jobs to America, promoting small businesses and encouraging economic growth in local communities. Job security is paramount for suburban families, many of whom rely on local businesses or have family members working in sectors that benefit from these policies. The contrast with the Biden-Harris administration is stark. Rising inflation and a stagnating economy are squeezing suburban households, making everyday life more expensive. Trump and Vance offer a return to policies that will create jobs, reduce inflation and provide economic opportunity for all.

2) National policies to reduce crime and support local law enforcement

Safety is a top priority for suburban families and, unfortunately, the increase in crime nationwide and Minnesota over the past few years has put many communities on edge. Trump and Vance understand that reducing crime and supporting law enforcement is essential to creating safe neighborhoods where families thrive.

Tackling crime head-on: Trump’s administration was marked by a clear commitment to law and order. His support for police officers and local law enforcement agencies helped curb crime and bring a sense of security to many communities. In contrast, the current administration has been ambivalent about supporting police, leading to increased crime in many suburban areas.

Combating the fentanyl crisis: One of the most pressing issues for Minnesota’s suburban families is the spread of fentanyl. This deadly drug has wreaked havoc on communities across the country and here locally. Much of this crisis stems from drugs streaming across our southern border. Trump’s policies aimed at securing the border and stopping the flow of illegal drugs are vital to protecting our families. Vance, too, has been vocal about the need to address the opioid crisis, drawing on his personal experiences to advocate for policies that would reduce the supply of dangerous drugs and provide resources for addiction treatment.

Humane immigration policies: Both Trump and Vance believe in a strong but humane approach to immigration. No person should be forced to seek refuge by sneaking across a river in the dark of night or being smuggled across the border in the trunk of a car. By securing the border and reforming the immigration system, they advocate for legal pathways that respect the rule of law and human dignity while preventing the kind of illegal immigration that fuels drug trafficking and criminal networks.

3) Support for law and liberty, and defending the First Amendment

As suburban families, we value safety, economic prosperity and the freedoms that define America. The attack on our First Amendment rights, particularly the right to free speech and the free exercise of religion, has been one of the most concerning developments in recent years. Trump and Vance stand firmly against these encroachments on our liberties.

Defending free speech: Trump has been a vocal advocate for free speech. This is a critical issue for suburban families who value speaking freely, raising their children according to their values and engaging in open discourse. Vance, too, has expressed concern about the erosion of free speech, particularly on college campuses and in the media. Together, these candidates offer a vision of America where families can express their beliefs without fear of retribution or censorship.

Protecting religious liberty: The free exercise of religion is another cornerstone of American life under attack. Suburban families in Minnesota often attend church or participate in faith-based community activities. Trump’s administration took significant steps to protect religious liberty, ensuring Americans could practice their faith without government interference. Appointing judges who respect the Constitution rather than imposing political ideologies is another crucial part of Trump’s legacy. Vance shares this commitment to upholding our First Amendment rights and ensuring that future generations can live in a country where religious freedom is respected.


Suburban families in Minnesota face a clear choice in the upcoming elections. Trump and Vance offer pro-family policies that create economic opportunity, ensure safety, protect our constitutional freedoms and reduce the cost of living. The alternative is not just four more years of failed policies but a fundamental change in America that cannot be undone in our children’s lifetime. This is our rendezvous with destiny and by voting for Trump and Vance, suburban families can ensure a brighter, more prosperous destiny for their children and communities.

Ryan Wilson, an attorney, lives in Maple Grove. He was the 2022 Republican candidate for state auditor.

about the writer

Ryan Wilson