GRAND PORTAGE, MINN. — Clarence Everson survived the Vietnam War, so he's not about to let a virus kill him when a vaccination might save his life.
"I have a retirement ahead of me, so I figured I better get it," said Everson, 74, enjoying a lunch of turkey and gravy at American Legion Post 2009 in the Sawtooth Mountains of this northern Minnesota community 6 miles from the Canadian border.
In Cook County, the tip of Minnesota's arrowhead, a lot of people share Everson's view. The county of 5,600 far-flung residents has the state's highest COVID-19 vaccination rate, with 78% of residents fully vaccinated, and lowest rate of COVID cases. It was the last county in the state to record a death, and that didn't happen until last month, 21 months into the pandemic.
The county's success, residents say, isn't hard to explain. There are a number of reasons, but perhaps the most important is this: Living in an unforgiving climate, with the nearest major city 100 miles away, people are used to looking out for their own well-being.
You wouldn't set off on a wilderness trip without a first-aid kit, but if you did get into trouble, your neighbors would help you out.
And that's been Cook County's response to COVID-19, they say: community members prudently looking out for themselves and others. Though the county leans decidedly Democratic, residents say COVID is a public health issue, not a political one.
"I think there's really a huge sense of community up here. Everybody takes care of everybody up here, because we have to," said Bryan Gerrard, owner of the Poplar Haus, a lodge and restaurant on the Gunflint Trail.
"It seems wildly irresponsible not to take care of your friends and neighbors."