Andrea Knodel lived paycheck to paycheck until a cough knocked her off her feet and into the red.
The sickness, which turned out to be COVID-19, landed her in the hospital and unable to work her customer service job at Culligan Water. For the first time in her life, the 44-year-old needed help from a Brooklyn Center food shelf.
"It's all very overwhelming," Knodel told two masked employees as they set a box of bananas, eggs, bread and other groceries on her front porch. "This has been basically a struggle, so I'm grateful."
More than 20 million Americans have lost their jobs in the last four weeks, and that upending of so many livelihoods is felt keenly at the nation's food banks.
Demand at many of the 350 food shelves in Minnesota, where every school and thousands of businesses have been shuttered, is double or triple normal levels, with many being first-time users. Organizations that help feed the hungry say the number of Minnesotans needing food stamps could double.
Nationally, long lines of cars have jammed roadways outside food shelves and food banks. Feeding America, a network of food banks, pantries and meal programs, estimates $1.4 billion is needed to sustain the increased demand across the U.S. over the next six months. In a survey of 200 food banks, which supply food pantries and soup kitchens, nearly every one has seen a spike in demand, but more than a third face funding shortfalls.
"I am worried; I think that there are so many unknowns. And I don't think we have a full grasp yet of how many people will be impacted long-term," said Tikki Brown, the director of economic opportunity and nutrition assistance at the Minnesota Department of Human Services. "Our food shelves are the front lines; they're the barometer of sorts to see an indicator of what's happening with our economy."
Her department is holding weekly calls with food programs statewide and in a survey, 30% said it's challenging for them to find enough food while 70% say they're under financial or operational strain.