More COVID-19 patients are expected to receive convalescent plasma therapy since the Trump administration issued an emergency authorization Sunday, backed by research from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.
"This makes it simpler for hospitals to get access to convalescent plasma," said Dr. R. Scott Wright, a coordinator of Mayo's national plasma program.
The treatment involves a transfusion of blood plasma from someone who has recovered from the new coronavirus into a newly infected patient with the hope that the antibodies in the plasma will prevent complications and speed recovery.
It is a concept that has been used for more than 100 years in infectious disease treatments, with varying degrees of success.
But some in the medical and public health communities were critical of the announcement, citing a lack of rigorous evidence, unintended consequences of the decision and possible political pressure from the White House.
"In summary I would call convalescent plasma potentially promising but not the major breakthrough that it was billed as," said Dr. Howard Koh, a Harvard University professor and former health official in the Obama administration.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decision to grant an emergency exception, which brings the treatment to the bedside before standard regulatory hurdles are satisfied, was made without the completion of any randomized clinical control trials to prove that the treatment improves outcomes.
"In a time of pandemic response where resources are finite, we need to focus our attention where the science is the strongest and the evidence is strongest," Koh said.