Archive: Tracking coronavirus in Minnesota

(The Minnesota Star Tribune)

about the writers

Matt DeLong

Digital projects editor

Matt DeLong is the Star Tribune’s digital projects editor. He has worked on many digital initiatives, from election planning to the Minnesota Beer Bracket to helping tipsters contact reporters securely. He has reported on extremism in the state and written reader guides on many topics, including Minnesota gun laws, voting and out-of-state Vikings bars. DeLong oversees the Star Tribune Minnesota Poll and curates the daily Talkers afternoon newsletter. 

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Michael Corey

News Developer

Michael Corey is a news developer for the Star Tribune. He specializes in data journalism, and his reporting has focused on mapping, science, remote sensing, history, data on the radio, police use of force, the U.S.-Mexico border wall and sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

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Thomas Oide

Digital designer

Thomas Oide joined the Star Tribune following his internship there in summer 2019. Before moving to Minneapolis, he studied journalism and computer science at the University of Missouri. His other journalism experience includes reporting internships at The Sacramento Bee and The Boston Globe. 

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C.J. Sinner

Director of Graphics & Data Visuals

C.J. Sinner is the Director of Graphics and Data Visuals at the Star Tribune, managing a small team that works at the intersection of data and design to help enhance storytelling on all platforms through charts, maps and diagrams. 

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