It's Cowboy Slim's last stand (sort of). The long-rumored closing of the Uptown cowboy bar will come true Saturday night. Co-owner Chris Diebold said his landlord is moving forward with redevelopment plans, which call for another towering retail/apartment complex on the block. Diebold said he's in negotiations to reopen Cowboy Slim's in the new building.
But in the meantime, the bro-friendly bar will close with a bang. Saturday will end with the 4th annual Sand & Saddles outdoor party, featuring a beach volleyball tournament, food and beer (no bands this time). Gates open at noon. Diebold's Cowboy bar brand isn't slowing down by any means. Within the next two weeks, he'll open another Cowboy Jack's in Ostego. He said many of Slim's employees will move there or elsewhere in the Cowboy network.
More info: www.theaftermidnightgroup.com.