The carp landed with a wet slap on the bed of the pickup truck.
"Twenty-four, 25, 26, 27," counted the small crew as they hurled one fish after another from the boat off the shore of Stieger Lake in Victoria.
Friday marked the first day of a multiweek effort to remove common carp from the lakes that drain to Lake Minnetonka. It's the latest chapter in the state's mounting battle to halt the growth of invasive species, which destroy water quality and habitat and can have a significant impact on business and recreation.
"They take in all this energy," said Eric Fieldseth, an aquatic ecologist for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. "By removing carp, it's going to allow that energy to go into other organisms."
The watershed district received a $567,000 grant from the state Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council to get rid of the fish. Crews with Carp Solutions, a Minnesota-based company, will be removing carp from a dozen lakes throughout the fall.
The amount of fish caught in each lake will vary, Fieldseth said. While he hopes to remove about 1,000 from Stieger Lake, there are more than 60,000 carp in Halsted Bay in Lake Minnetonka.
For weeks, crews have used cracked corn to bait the carp above box nets on the lakes. As carp feed in the middle of the night or early morning, crews will release the sides of the nets and capture them, Fieldseth said.
Four workers from Carp Solutions outfitted with waders, white helmets and gloves began removing fish from Stieger Lake early Friday morning. The carp flapped with ferocity as workers lifted the nets onto the boat.