Opinion editor's note: Star Tribune Opinion publishes a mix of national and local commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
In fulfilling their promise to "do something" to ensure safe and supportive schools across our state, Minnesota legislators in this year's session passed a discipline policy banning suspensions for our youngest students.
In this culture of leniency progressing across the state, the success of the new policy will depend on whether existing laws — empowering teachers to govern safe classrooms — still apply to protect the safety of all K-3 children. Under this new law, administrators forced to reduce detentions may look the other way when chaos ensues, no matter the effect on safety for all the students and teachers.
Teachers and paraprofessionals are the first line of defense when chaos consumes classrooms. And they are the first to be silenced when violence occurs. Fearing reprisal, some may hesitate to speak to this new policy banning school suspensions for young children.
Teachers who find the courage to say "enough is enough" when disruptive behavior threatens the learning of their students suffer retaliation for reporting the truth to others. Some are threatened with termination for not changing their behavior to accommodate unprovoked extreme outbursts of one student that threaten other students' safety and security.
Teachers have been branded as racist for simply validating the fears children share with parents. I understand how this works, having experienced violence in my classroom and ending my 30-year, full-time-teaching career in a school district I loved.
Unless teachers retain the authority to remove students who harass, bully and threaten the well-being of classmates and teachers — authority provided under the safe schools statutes signed into law by Gov. Mark Dayton in 2016 — our students will be at risk of emotional and physical harm with this new discipline policy.