NASHUA, N.H. — Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., running a long-shot primary challenge to President Joe Biden, said Saturday that he would consider running on the ticket of No Labels, a centrist group exploring an independent bid, if it appeared that the general election would be a rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump.
In an interview, Phillips publicly articulated for the first time the circumstances in which he would accept the No Labels presidential nomination, and said he was in regular communication with Nancy Jacobson, the group’s CEO. Democratic allies of Biden’s have been alarmed by No Labels, worrying that any candidate it runs could siphon votes from him.
“People are criticizing them because they believe whomever they offer on their ticket will hurt Joe Biden,” Phillips said after a town hall event at a senior center in Nashua. “That’s false. If they put someone at the top of the ticket who could actually drive votes from Donald Trump, every Democrat in the United States of America should be celebrating it. They haven’t made that determination.”
Phillips has a long relationship with Jacobson and No Labels from his tenure in the group’s congressional Problem Solvers Caucus, an organization that promotes policies with bipartisan support. He said he had told Jacobson he would not discuss running as the No Labels candidate “at this time.”
But Phillips did say he would consider running as the No Labels candidate if polling suggested that Biden would lose in November to Trump.
“It would have to be a Joe Biden-Donald Trump rematch that shows Joe Biden is almost certain to lose,” Phillips said. “That is the only condition in which I would even entertain a conversation with any alternative.”
He added: “Everybody should keep their head and heart and mind open, because why would we shut off possibilities to defeat this horrific danger to democracy?”
Three months after beginning his presidential campaign, Phillips remains a little-known curiosity in the New Hampshire primary race. A poll released Jan. 9 by the University of New Hampshire showed him with 7% support in the Democratic primary. He told reporters Saturday he would be happy with “mid-20s” support in the election Tuesday.