Dec. 7, 1921: Little Benny's thots on trees

Trees have their good points and their bad points. They give shade to everybody that wunts to stand underneeth of them but they also give them a fearse crack on the hed in case a suddin storm comes up and they get nocked down by lightning.

December 7, 2009 at 5:22AM


Little Benny's Notebook column sig
(Ben Welter/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Trees have their good points and their bad points. They give shade to everybody that wunts to stand underneeth of them but they also give them a fearse crack on the hed in case a suddin storm comes up and they get nocked down by lightning. They bare froot but they also bare splinters. They are good things to climb up but on the other hand they are bad things to fall off. The most ixciting of trees to have erround is froot trees. If you know wat kind of froot tree it is you can always tell wat kind of froot to expect, because the most serprizing thing a froot tree could do would be to give some other kind of froot. One of the most useless looking sites there is is a apple tree with nothing on it but leeves. The hite of luxury is to lay under a apple tree and have a apple drop neer you but not on you. Some peeple can tell all the different kinds of trees by the different leeves, wile others jest know they are meer trees by their shape and seem satisfied to even know that mutch. The greener a tree is the better it looks and the better it proberly feels. Every tree has a lot of roots down under the ground doing all the werk, wile the tree sticks up and gets all the credit. Squirrels jump erround in trees like other peeple jump erround on the ground, proving it all depends on wat youre used to. Some of the things that come from trees are rubber, switches, acorns, maple sirrup and toothpick.

about the writer

about the writer

Ben Welter