Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of material from 11 contributing columnists, along with other commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
Life is an unfolding series of endless surprises: some bad, some good. The only certainty, of course, is birth and death. What happens in between is part up to chance, part up to us. As for the surprises, there’s a potential good that can come when we acknowledge and embrace them. Here’s one recent example of how that happened for me.
On Friday, I attended the Religious Freedom Champions Dinner honoring longtime Minnesota Sen. John Marty, DFL-Roseville, who like me comes from a family of Lutheran pastors. We, two lifelong Lutherans, were both invited by HumanistsMN, a “secular community that promotes ethical living, widespread human flourishing, and a healthy planet through its commitment to science, reason, compassion and creativity.”
These are not the non-religious folks I was warned about while growing up Christian in the ’90s and early aughts.
Back then, especially when I attended evangelical church camp, youth group, and young adult Bible studies, we were warned about pernicious “atheists,” who would scorn our God and try to convince us away from our faith. Then, the image I had in my mind of a non-religious person was almost always a man of privilege — people like infamous atheist academics Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. They were sneering, cynical and arrogant, opposed to religion on the basis of a godless struggle to win the world, running over anyone who got in their way. This was what I thought; what we were taught.
Then I went to a Lutheran seminary, got ordained as a Lutheran pastor after years as a sportswriter (where I often heard God invoked on the field and the court) — and I learned that the view of the religious toward secular people had shifted a bit. Now, they were called “the nones,” and they were referred to both as a mission field and a threat. Their growth meant that fewer and fewer people were attending church services each week, an existential issue for those who were attending graduate school and paying tuition on the hopes of a career in ministry.
But something has shifted again, drastically, since those days, at rapid pace specifically in the past eight years since President Donald Trump was first elected in 2016 and has now been re-elected in 2024.