Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of material from 11 contributing columnists, along with other commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
The day was a microcosm of what I imagined many immigrant journeys to be: a swarming mass of people, trudging slowly on foot as blustery wind blew outside, in temperatures colder than it ever gets in most of their home countries. We were ushered into long and winding lines, with little certainty about what lay ahead.
Official-looking men and women wandered around, some of them wearing law enforcement uniforms and ushering us forward, checking our bags.
I was alone, sandwiched between a mixed-race group of friends who looked to be in their 20s and 30s and an older white couple behind me. As we neared the front door, a few women made the classic sidling cutting-ahead-in-line move, suddenly overjoyed to see someone they knew at the head of the line.
I found myself feeling irritated, remembering a Larry David skit about line cutters. He called it a “chat and cut.” I rolled my eyes, but I didn’t say anything on that windy November afternoon. America’s recent rancorous politics and presidential election left me feeling less than comfortable raising issues with strangers. Everyone seemed a bit more on edge than usual. You never knew who would react poorly, who might pull out a gun. So we all stared straight ahead and walked along in queue.
The line behind us stretched farther than I could see at the moment. I’d find out later that more than a thousand of us were gathered in Brooklyn Center to witness 501 new American citizens take their oaths and receive naturalization documents.
Of course the new citizens well knew that the lines for immigration to America are not fair ones, either. People are cutting in all the time, sometimes on the basis of wealth, sometimes on the basis of family connections or education. Sometimes on the basis of need, but that didn’t always work out neatly. How do you determine which country’s people had the most meritorious suffering?