Darnella Frazier's viral video of George Floyd's final moments showed the world what she happened to see and document on a Minneapolis street last May.
Last week, the world got a glimpse of the trauma that still haunts her because of it.
"There have been nights I stayed up apologizing and apologizing to George Floyd for not doing more and not physically interacting and not saving his life," Frazier testified tearfully during former police officer Derek Chauvin's murder trial. "But it's like not what I should have done, it's what he should have done," she said, referring to Chauvin.
Like Frazier, who simply happened to be taking her 9-year-old cousin to the store that evening, other people who have stumbled upon and documented instances of police violence describe recording as the only thing they could do in situations where they felt helpless. Often, they end up encumbered with guilt, sleepless nights and other mental health concerns.
The experiences witnesses described in court last week are consistent with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, said University of Minnesota psychology Prof. Patricia Frazier. Though many people associate PTSD with combat, it can include witnessing many forms of death and threats.
"That qualifies as a trauma for PTSD. It makes sense that if someone was right there when it happened and filming it, that they would be experiencing trauma symptoms," she said.
Guilt and regret over not doing more to stop Floyd's death could be consistent with "moral injury," when someone feels guilty for not stopping an event that violated their moral code, the professor said.
The first week of testimony in the trial revealed that more people filmed Chauvin and three other former Minneapolis police officers than previously were made public.