DFL chairman rips Zellers' candidacy for Minn. governor, says lack of leadership is his legacy

June 23, 2013 at 11:50PM

MINNEAPOLIS — DFL Chairman Ken Martin predicts voters won't respond favorably to news that Former Republican House Speaker Kurt Zellers plans to run for governor next year.

Zellers announced his candidacy Sunday. He became House speaker in 2010 but he lost the post two years later when Democrats regained the majority.

Martin says Zellers's short tenure as speaker will be remembered for his lack of leadership and uncompromising partisanship. He says the reason Republicans lost the majority was because Minnesotans rejected Zellers's leadership.

His tenure included the 2011 government shutdown prompted by a standoff between Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton and GOP leaders.

Martin accuses Zellers of refusing to work toward compromise at that time. He says electing Zellers governor would lead to a return to gridlock, partisanship and shutdowns.

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